
Market Microstructure

Course Overview

Definition of a Market

A market is a set institution for exchanging property rights among economic agents. Markets can be physical (e.g., market square) or digital platforms. The efficiency of a market is judged by how well property rights are allocated—ideally, to those who value them the most.

Importance of Financial Markets

Financial markets specifically deal with financial assets. The primary reasons for studying these markets are:

Asymmetric Information

An important feature of financial markets is asymmetric information, where different agents possess varying knowledge about market prospects, impacting market efficiency. This information disparity can lead to inefficiencies if not regulated or managed.

Types of Financial Markets

Financial markets can be categorized into:

Primary Markets

These involve the initial allocation of funds, such as:

Secondary Markets

In these markets, existing assets are traded among investors, allowing liquidity and efficient price discovery. Types include:

Key Concepts

Market Efficiency

Market efficiency implies that prices in the market reflect all available information. Factors affecting efficiency include the existence of a bid-ask spread, which can create friction and hinder trades.

Bid-Ask Spread

Bid and ask prices reflect market dynamics where:
Bid Price < Ask Price
The spread can influence trading and market liquidity.

Market Liquidity

Liquidity is defined as the market’s ability to facilitate trading rapidly without significant price changes. Critical aspects related to liquidity include:

Types of Orders

Market Structures

Order Driven Markets

In these markets, trades happen through a limit order book, either continuously or in call auctions.

Dealer Markets

Here, trades are facilitated by market makers or dealers who set prices and manage inventory.

Regulation of Financial Markets

Regulatory objectives include ensuring market efficiency, protecting against insider trading, and stabilizing market fluctuations.

Key Regulatory Considerations


This document has covered the fundamental aspects of financial markets microstructure. As you embark on this course, consider exploring share prices and market differences among major stocks.


  1. Find share prices, bid and ask prices for popular stocks.

  2. Research the London Metal Exchange and discuss the pros and cons of maintaining physical trading floors.

Lecture Notes: Financial Markets Microstructure - Liquidity


In this lecture, we discussed the concept of liquidity within financial markets, focusing on its definition, measurement, and the challenges associated with measuring liquidity.

Definitions of Liquidity

There are three primary types of liquidity to consider:

Market Liquidity

Market liquidity refers to a market’s ability to quickly facilitate the buying and selling of assets without significantly affecting their prices.

Definition: A market is liquid if an asset can be sold quickly at a stable price.

Monetary Liquidity

Monetary liquidity describes the ability of an asset to be converted into cash or goods.

Example: Cars vs. ice cream; cars are less liquid compared to ice cream.

Funding Liquidity

Funding liquidity pertains to an economic agent’s ability to obtain cash or credit under acceptable conditions without substantial loss.

Example: A bank experiencing a liquidity shock when too many depositors withdraw funds simultaneously.

Importance of Liquidity

Liquidity is crucial for achieving market efficiency, which ensures assets are allocated to those who value them the most.

Efficiency and Illiquidity

When markets are illiquid, they typically present two prices—higher prices for buyers and lower prices for sellers—leading to inefficiencies in trading.

Market Depth

Market depth quantifies the amount that must be traded to move the price of an asset by a specific amount.

Measurement of Liquidity

Various measures can be used to assess liquidity, including spreads, price measures, price impact, and trading volumes.

Quoted Spread

The quoted spread St is the difference between the ask price Pa and the bid price Pb:
St = Pa − Pb

Normalized Quoted Spread

The normalized quoted spread st is calculated as:
$$s_t = \frac{S_t}{\frac{P_a + P_b}{2}} = \frac{S_t}{M_t}$$

Effective Spread

The effective spread considers the price at which a transaction occurred compared to the mid-quote:
Ste = |Pt − Mt| ⋅ dt
where dt = 1 if the trade was initiated by the buyer, and dt =  − 1 if initiated by the seller.

Realized Spread

The realized spread represents the cost associated with holding an asset for a number of periods and is given by:
Str = Mt + Δ − Pt

Dealing with Missing Data

In cases where one cannot access all necessary data, measures such as Lee and Ready’s algorithm can be applied to infer the direction of trades based on the proximity to bid or ask prices, particularly when trades occur within the quoted spread.

Random Walk Model (Roll’s Measure)

If only transaction prices are available, Roll’s measure can estimate the bid-ask spread by assuming that:

The spread can then be estimated using:
Spread =  − 4 ⋅ Cov(Pt, Pt − 1)

Other Liquidity Measures

Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP)

This metric evaluates the average price an asset has traded throughout the day, weighted by volume.
$$\text{VWAP} = \frac{\sum P_t \cdot V_t}{\sum V_t}$$

Implementation Shortfall

This metric assesses the cost of not executing a perfect order:
Implementation Shortfall = (mT − t) ⋅ κ − Opportunity Cost


We summarized the key concepts regarding liquidity in financial markets and emphasized the importance of choosing appropriate measures based on data availability. Next week, we will explore the primary factors driving spreads in markets.

9 Foucault, T., Pagano, M., & Roell, A. (2005). Market Liquidities.

Financial Markets Microstructure: Lecture 3


We discussed liquidity—what it is, how to measure it, and its significance. The subsequent lectures will cover specific issues in financial markets, divided into three broad parts:

Information and Prices

Today, we will begin with the relationship between information and prices. We will also introduce our first model, Glosten and Milgrom’s model of information-based trading, which will help us understand how the bid-ask spread arises endogenously in the market.

Price Movements and Information

Stock prices frequently fluctuate, often seemingly driven by news reports. However, it is challenging to ascertain the fundamental drivers behind these price movements. In financial markets, we approach understanding prices through the lens of expected future cash flows, which would be the market’s agreed valuation of an asset.

Reasons for Trading

Traders generally engage in buying and selling for three primary reasons:

  1. Risk Management: Traders may modify their portfolios to adjust their risk exposure. For example, if one works in a counter-cyclical industry, they may invest in pro-cyclical assets.

  2. Funding Liquidity: Traders often need to convert assets into cash for various needs, which may influence their trading behavior.

  3. Information Asymmetry: Traders possess different levels of information about the fundamentals affecting the asset’s value. If one trader believes they have valuable information that another does not, this may create a reason for trading.

Types of Information

It is essential to distinguish between public and private information:

Efficient Market Hypothesis

The Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) posits that prices reflect all available information. EMH has three forms:

Problems with EMH

Challenges with the strong form of EMH include:

  1. The No Trade Theorem: If all trades signal private information, traders would refrain from trading.

  2. Incentives for Information Acquisition: If markets are perfectly efficient, traders lose motive to gather information since prices already reflect it.

  3. Price Volatility: Markets exhibit fluctuations that cannot solely be attributed to public news.

Mathematical Representation

Let us denote the information set at time t as Ωt, where this set is cumulative across periods.

Market Valuation

The market valuation of an asset can be expressed as:
$$V_t = \mathbb{E}[C_s | \Omega_t] = \sum_{s=t}^{\infty} C_s \cdot \delta^{s-t}$$
where Cs denotes future cash flows and δ a discount factor.

The informational efficiency criterion indicates that:
Pt = 𝔼[V|Ωt]

Innovation in Market Valuation

Defining innovation in market valuation from t to t + 1 gives:
ϵt + 1 = Vt + 1 − Vt

Expectations Based on Information

The expected change in market valuation using the law of iterated expectations leads to:
𝔼[ϵt + 1|Ωt] = 𝔼[V|Ωt + 1] − Market Valuationt
Concluding that:
𝔼[ϵt + 1|Ωt] = 0

In essence, if market prices reflect complete information, they can be viewed as martingales, where future price performance is expected to align with the current price level.


This session introduced the crucial relationship between information and prices in financial markets, dissected the efficient markets hypothesis, and explored the mathematical foundations underlying these theories. Going forward, we shall delve into Glosten and Milgrom’s model, illustrating the nature of trading under asymmetric information.

the Glosten-Milgrom Model

Introduction to Models

Models are simplifications of reality that focus on specific aspects to provide insights into complex systems. The famous quote by George Box states:

"All models are wrong, but some models are useful."

The Glosten-Milgrom model, in particular, simplifies the interactions in markets to study the effect of asymmetric information on pricing and liquidity.

Overview of the Glosten-Milgrom Model

The Glosten-Milgrom model characterizes a market where two types of traders interact with a dealer or market maker:

Model Dynamics

Trader Types

Traders are classified based on their information:

With probability π, a trader is a speculator, and with probability 1 − π, they are a noise trader.

Market Orders

Each trader can submit a market order to:

Noise traders buy with probability βb and sell with probability βs.

Dealer Characteristics

Pricing Dynamics

Expected Value Conditioning

The bid and ask prices are defined as:
$$\begin{aligned} a_t &= E[V \mid \text{buy order}] \\ b_t &= E[V \mid \text{sell order}]\end{aligned}$$
Where V is the fundamental value of the asset.

Speculators’ Strategies

The profit of a speculator, given their action dt, is defined as:
$$\begin{aligned} \pi(d_t) = \begin{cases} 1 \cdot V - a_t & \text{if } d_t = 1 \text{ (buy)} \\ b_t - 1 \cdot V & \text{if } d_t = -1 \text{ (sell)} \\ 0 & \text{if } d_t = 0 \text{ (abstain)} \end{cases}\end{aligned}$$

Equilibrium Condition

For an equilibrium, the following must hold:

Key Results

Illiquidity and Spread

Price Efficiency

In the long run, the prices converge to the fundamental value due to the accumulation of information:
pt → V  as time t → ∞
This implies that while the bid and ask prices may initially deviate, over time they reflect the asset’s true value.

Comparative Statics

Drawbacks of the Model


The Glosten-Milgrom model serves as a fundamental framework to analyze the effects of asymmetric information on market pricing and liquidity. While it abstracts away many real-world complexities, its insights into the functioning of markets and the role of noise trading remain relevant.

Financial Markets Microstructure


Understanding Bid-Ask Spread

Order Processing Costs

Glosten-Milgrom Model Review

Disentangling Spread Components

Comparative Dynamics of Costs

Impact of Transaction Costs

Inventory Risk and Price Dynamics

Model Mechanics and Utility

Conclusion on Price Efficiency and Trading Strategies

Next Steps

Financial Markets Microstructure


In this lecture, we explore the determinants of market depth, specifically focusing on how trade size affects market prices. The key themes include:

Key Concepts

Market Depth and Liquidity

Spread Determinants

Adverse Selection and Trade Size

Inventory Risk and Trade Size

Order Processing Costs and Trade Size

These costs can vary depending on whether they are fixed per order or proportional to trade size. For example:

The Kyle Model

Model Setup

The Kyle model incorporates informed and uninformed traders and specifies a trading mechanism where trades are processed in batches (call auction):

Profit Calculations

The net profit π of the informed trader is given by:
π = x ⋅ (v − p)
Where p is the market price established after all orders are processed.

Market Maker’s Pricing Schedule

The market maker provides a supply schedule that links price p and aggregated order flow q:
p = μ + λq
Where λ represents the price impact coefficient, estimating how much the price changes for a given order size.

Price Impact Coefficient

The coefficient λ can be derived as follows:
$$\lambda = \frac{\text{Cov}(v, q)}{\text{Var}(q)}$$

Equilibrium Conditions

In equilibrium, both the dealer’s pricing strategy and the speculator’s trading strategy are consistent with each other, leading to optimal values for λ and the speculator’s aggressiveness β.

Market Depth

Market depth D can be expressed as:
$$D = \frac{1}{\lambda} = \frac{2\sigma_u}{\sigma_v}$$
From this equation, we infer that market depth is greater when there is more noise trading and lower fundamental volatility.

Empirical Considerations

Through empirical studies, we can estimate how various factors contribute to liquidity by measuring price impacts, particularly evaluating how depth and spread react to trade sizes in real market conditions.


The lecture outlines the theoretical foundations of market depth determinants through the Kyle model, emphasizes the importance of trade size in relation to adverse selection and inventory risks, and highlights the necessity for empirical validation in understanding these concepts in practice.

Estimating the Empirics of Illiquidity


The lecture builds on the discussion of liquidity covered in previous lectures, particularly Lecture 2, where various empirical measures of liquidity were explored. Different theories explaining the existence of liquidity, including diverse selection, order costs, and inventory risk, have been proposed.

Disentangling Factors of Market Liquidity

We focus on determining the relative importance of the factors affecting market liquidity. The objective is to estimate the contributions of:

This investigation follows insights from Lecture 4, where dynamic impacts of these factors were discussed.

Dynamic Effects

The effects of these factors on liquidity have differing time horizons:

Notation and Variables

To facilitate our analysis, the following notation is established:

The data used consists of:

Estimation of Price Dynamics

From the Glosten-Milgrom model, the transaction price Pt can be described as:
Pt = Ut + γDt
where Ut represents the market valuation and Dt is the directional trade.

Considering the first difference in prices:
ΔPt = Pt − Pt − 1 = ΔUt + γΔDt
This equation captures the changes in market valuation (ΔUt) modified by order processing costs depending on trade directions.

First-Stage Estimation

The authors estimate:
$$\begin{aligned} \text{Assumption 1:} & \quad \gamma_1 = 0 \\ \text{Assumption 2:} & \quad \lambda_0 = 0\end{aligned}$$
indicating that order processing costs are independent of quantity traded, and the direction of trade conveys no information without volume.

Second-Stage Estimation

In the second stage, they estimate parameters by setting γ0 and λ1 to values γ0 = 0.04 and λ1 = 0.1. These results reveal significant contributions from both costs.

Challenges and Improvements

The early empirical models often had limited data, with some using transactions from the New York Stock Exchange from the early 1980s. Concerns with the estimation procedures, particularly the two-stage regression model, raise questions about robustness.

Autocovariance in Order Flow

The research by Hasbrouck in1988 yielded findings about autocorrelation in the order flow, revealing that order flows were negatively autocorrelated, likely due to inventory management practices by dealers.

Components of the Spread

The discussion leads to the understanding of how various components contribute differently to the spread. Empirical estimates suggest:

Heterogeneity in Contributions

Lou et al. (1997) found that adverse selection significantly influences markets during market openings when new information is incorporated. In contrast, during market closures, order processing costs become more prominent.

Probability of Informed Trading (PIN)

Researchers have developed models to estimate the Probability of Informed Trading (PIN):
$$PIN = \frac{P(\text{Information Event}) \cdot P(\text{Trade from Informed})}{P(\text{Any Trade})}$$

Using comprehensive datasets, it has been identified that approximately 19% of trades come from informed traders, with variances depending heavily on the trading environment and anonymity of markets.


For further reading, reference the ongoing studies and the working papers mentioned during the lecture, particularly regarding the varying components affecting liquidity across market conditions.

Financial Market Microstructure: Order-Driven Markets


In this series of lectures on financial market microstructure, we will explore the transition from dealer-driven markets to order-driven markets. This lecture focuses on the characteristics, risks, and models associated with order-driven markets.

Review of Previous Lectures

In our previous lectures, we discussed:

We found that order costs are significant contributors to illiquidity, primarily due to their role as a catch-all term.

Transition to Order-Driven Markets

What are Order-Driven Markets?

Order-driven markets allow market participants to submit orders (limit and market orders) directly, eliminating the need for a dedicated dealer.

Market Structure Comparison

In dealer markets, the information structure is dominated by the dealer. In contrast, order-driven markets allow all participants to act as liquidity providers.

Trader Dynamics

Risks Faced by Traders

Price Formation in Order-Driven Markets

In order-driven markets, prices are determined by:

Market Traders’ Decision-Making

Market traders optimize the quantity to buy by equating their marginal valuation θi(q) to the marginal price:
θi(q) = p′(q)

Glosston’s Model (1994)

This model analyzes limit order markets, allowing for an understanding of price efficiency and order book depth.

Characteristics of the Model

Analysis of the Limit Order Book

Limit traders’ prices are determined by the expected fundamental value conditioned on the order size:
p′(q) = E[v|Q ≥ q]

Inside Spread Generation

Referring to the gap between ask and bid:
S = p* − pb

Where p* is the ask price and pb is the bid price. The distinction arises because the highest ask conditions on the buyer’s willingness, while the lowest bid conditions on the seller’s willingness.

Implications for Liquidity

Adverse Selection

The presence of adverse selection is crucial, as it affects how limit traders set prices based on their information about asset values.

Market Efficiency

Order-driven markets generate price schedules that can differ significantly from dealer markets due to the lack of centralized information asymmetry.

Market Structure and Design

Different market structures (e.g., tick sizes, priority rules) have significant implications for trading dynamics and market outcomes.

Concluding Remarks

The lecture emphasizes how traders navigate order-driven markets and how their behavior influences price dynamics. Future lectures will delve further into market dynamics and explore practical aspects such as market design and strategies.


Kyle’s and Glosten’s Models


In today’s session, we will cover two main topics:

Feel free to ask questions in the chat as we progress.

Kyle’s Model

Kyle’s Model explores competition among speculators in a market setting. The assumptions and structure of the model are as follows:

Model Setup


Asset Characteristics: An asset with a fundamental value v, which follows a normal distribution: v ∼ 𝒩(μ, σv2).

Speculator’s Trading Decision

The informed trader (speculator) determines her volume of order x based on her information regarding v:
xi = β(v − μ)
where β is the speculator’s aggressiveness.

Dealer’s Price Setting Strategy

The market maker sets the price p according to:
p = 𝔼[v ∣ q] = μ + λq
where q is the total order size comprising orders from speculators x and noise traders u. - The price impact coefficient λ is given by:
$$\lambda = \frac{\text{Cov}(v, q)}{\text{Var}(q)}$$

Multiple Informed Traders

In the current exercise, we extend the model to n informed traders. Each trader i has the same linear trading strategy:
xi = β(v − μ)

Finding Equilibrium Aggressiveness

To find the equilibrium aggressiveness β, we need to maximize each speculator’s expected profit:
Πi = 𝔼[xi ⋅ (v − p)]
Substituting the price and evaluating the expected profit leads to the first order condition:
v − μ − λ(Nxi + (N − 1)β(v − μ)) = 0

Solving for β:
$$\beta = \frac{1}{\lambda(n + 1)}$$
This indicates that as n increases, β decreases because each trader’s impact diminishes with increased competition.

Dealer’s Zero Profit Condition

To derive λ: - Set the dealer’s total order:
q = nβ(v − μ) + u
Using covariance and variance assumptions, we find:
$$\lambda = \frac{n \beta \sigma_v^2}{n^2 \beta^2 \sigma_v^2 + \sigma_u^2}$$

Market Depth and Economic Intuition

Market depth is defined as:
$$\text{Depth} = \frac{1}{\lambda}$$
From the derived expressions, we see that market depth is increasing in n:
$$\text{Depth} = \frac{n+1}{\sqrt{n}(\sigma^2_v/\sigma^2_u)}$$
This implies that as the number of informed traders increases, the market depth increases, as each traders’ impact on the price becomes comparatively less significant.

Expected Profit of Informed Investors

For informed traders, expected profits will decrease as n increases due to competitive behavior reducing overall profitability:
Π = n ⋅ 𝔼[xi(v − p)]
Taking the expected value before traders know v, results in a generalized profit equation reducing with n.


In today’s session, we explored the implications of competition among informed traders using Kyle’s model and derived important economic insights regarding trading strategies, market depth, and the impact of noise traders.

Glosten’s Model and Limit Order Books


This document serves as a comprehensive guide for understanding key concepts related to Glosten’s model within the context of financial markets, particularly focusing on limit order books, discrimination in pricing, informed and uninformed trading, and the implications of these market mechanics.

Overview of Glosten’s Model

Key Components

Differences from Kyle’s Model

While Kyle’s model incorporates dealers who can observe the entire trade size queue and set prices accordingly, Glosten’s model introduces limit traders who rely on partial information (only that their limit order was executed) and cannot discern the entire market dynamics.

Marginal Pricing in Glosten’s Model

In Glosten’s model, the marginal price for the qth unit of the asset can be determined through the conditional expectation of the asset value given that the total trade size exceeds a certain threshold q:

P′(q) = 𝔼[V ∣ Trade size > q]


Price Discrimination

In limit order book markets, prices are discriminatory, meaning that the price paid for different units will vary as the trader "climbs" the book, contrasting with a dealer who offers a single price based on the whole order size. This concept is crucial when considering order execution strategies.

Example of Order Size Distribution

The limit trader’s behavior can be analyzed using an example wherein the trade size q is assumed to follow an exponential distribution. If we denote μ as the mean size and λ as the pricing impact parameter, we define the expected value based on this distribution as follows:

𝔼[V ∣ Trade size = q] = μ + λq

To derive the asset’s marginal price, we utilize iterated expectations:

𝔼[V ∣ Trade size > q] = 𝔼[μ + λQ ∣ Q > q]

Where the conditional distribution is represented using the law of total expectation.

Deriving the Conditional Density

To find the conditional expectation of an exponential distribution, we identify the conditional probability density function:

$$f_{Q|Q>y_k}(q) = \frac{f_Q(q)}{\mathbb{P}(Q>y_k)}$$

Where yk is a position in the limit order book.

As a result, after substituting in the relevant exponential probabilities, we derive the cumulative depth of the limit order book considering price a:

$$y(a) = \frac{(1 - F(a))}{\mathbb{P}(Q > y_k)}$$

Informed vs. Uninformed Traders

Optimal Strategies

Informed traders maximize their utility by choosing their order size optimally based on the known value V. Given the cumulative depth y(v), the informed trader trades up until they reach a price where the marginal cost meets the marginal benefit.

Zero Profit Condition

For a competitive limit trader in equilibrium, the expected profit must equal zero:
p′(q) = 𝔼[V ∣ Q > q]

Where p′(q) is the marginal cost determined by the limit order book depth.

Effects of Increased Information and Volatility

It is observed that as the proportion of informed traders π increases or as the fundamental value’s volatility σ increases, the market depth y(a) decreases, leading to a thinner limit order book.


The exploration of Glosten’s model deepens the understanding of how market participants behave under uncertainty and informs strategies surrounding trade execution. The relationship between informed and uninformed trading demonstrates the complex dynamics in limit order books that impact not only pricing but also overall market liquidity.

Limit Order Book Markets


In this lecture, we will explore limit order book markets, also known as order-driven markets. We will build upon Claussen’s model and delve into important aspects of market design and the dynamics of trader orders.

Limit Order Book Markets

Basics of Limit vs Market Orders

Limit traders provide liquidity in a manner distinct from dealers in dealer-driven markets. The informational environment differs for limit traders, leading to varying market outcomes, including price inefficiencies.

Market Design Aspects

Several dimensions influence the regulation and operation of order-driven markets:

Tick Size

Tick size refers to the minimum price movement of a security. Tick sizes can affect:

Expected Value and Supply Curves

E(V|Q) = Expected Price Given Trade Size Q
Where Q represents the total order size.

When analyzing a limit trader who offers the 15th best bid, we can represent the supply curve generated by the limit order book graphically.

Impact of Tick Size Reduction

When tick sizes are reduced:

Dynamic Analysis of Order Submission

We will consider how traders decide between market and limit orders under dynamic conditions.

Regulatory Implications

Regulations aimed at improving liquidity or market depth may have unintended adverse consequences by distorting traders’ incentives.

Pro Rata Allocation vs Time Priority

In alternative market structures, we can replace time priority with pro rata allocation where limit orders are executed proportionally:
$$\text{If Market Order Size is } X, \text{ then each Limit Order gets } \frac{(X - \text{filled amount})}{\text{total amount available}}.$$

This can increase market depth but may also lead to reduced profits for limit traders.

Hybrid Markets with Dealers

Incorporating dealers into order-driven markets can initially seem beneficial but may lead to the crowding out of limit traders:

Implications of Dealer Integration

Adding dealers can enhance liquidity during volatile periods but may reduce it overall during stable market conditions. They serve as a liquidity insurance mechanism during periods of low depth.


The study of limit order book markets reveals intricacies in market design that warrant careful consideration, particularly regarding regulatory approaches and trader dynamics.

Market Design and Limit Order Book Markets

Market Design Overview

Market design involves creating rules and frameworks that enhance market liquidity. However, regulations intended to improve liquidity may backfire by distorting agents’ incentives and ultimately reducing market depth.

Tick Size

Role of Dealers

Adding a dealer can have unforeseen effects on market dynamics.

Dynamic Analysis of Limit Order Book Markets

The focus here is on how traders make decisions regarding liquidity—whether to take (market orders) or make (limit orders) liquidity.

Trade-Offs Between Order Types

Non-Execution Risk

Models of Dynamic Order Choice

Two primary models illustrate different aspects of the choice between market and limit orders:

Parlors Model

Foucault’s Model

Simplified Model of Limit Order Book

We construct a simplified framework to analyze trader behavior:

Payoff Calculations

The expected payoff for different order types is modeled as follows:
$$\begin{aligned} \text{Market Order Sell:} & \quad \text{Payoff} = B - (V + y) \\ \text{Limit Order Sell:} & \quad \text{Payoff} = p_{BM} \cdot (A - (V + y)) \\ \text{Market Order Buy:} & \quad \text{Payoff} = (V + y) - (A) \\ \text{Limit Order Buy:} & \quad \text{Payoff} = p_{SM} \cdot ((V + y) - B)\end{aligned}$$


Optimal Order Choice

The trader’s choice depends on their idiosyncratic valuation y and can be visualized through profit lines:

Equilibrium Determination

Probabilities pBM and pSM are determined based on the distribution of y as follows:

Indifference Points

Trader indifference between strategies leads to equilibrium cut-offs:
$$\begin{aligned} V + y_{\text{hat}} &: \text{Indifference between Selling Limit and Buying Limit} \\ V + y_{\underline{\text{bar}}} &: \text{Above this point, traders will mainly submit market orders} \\ V + y_{\text{bar}} &: \text{Below this point, traders will mainly submit market orders to sell}\end{aligned}$$


In summary:

Market Fragmentation


Today, we will be discussing market fragmentation. We will explore its implications, especially in the context of financial markets and how it affects trading costs, price discovery, and liquidity.

Recap of Previous Lectures

In the past few weeks, we have examined:

Market Fragmentation

Market fragmentation occurs when multiple markets trade the same asset. The consequences include variations in trading costs and price discovery.

Historical Context

Costs and Benefits of Market Fragmentation

Negative Impacts

Potential Benefits

Trading Costs in Fragmented Markets

Impact of Competition on Costs

Consider the case of Dutch stocks before and after 2003:

Agency Problems

The misalignment of incentives between brokers and traders creates search cost issues, leading to inefficiencies in price finding. Effective regulations (e.g., order protection rules in the US) aim to mitigate these issues.

Models of Market Behavior

Kyle’s Model Overview

In Kyle’s model, we explore how information asymmetry affects market behavior:

Mathematical Representation

The order size X of the informed trader is given by:
X = β(V − μ)
where μ is the pre-trade expected value.

The market price P as a function of total order size Q is defined as:
P = λQ
Where λ is derived from the covariance of order flow with asset value.

The equilibrium parameters β and λ can be solved simultaneously:
Cov(X, V) = σV  and  σU

Trading costs can be viewed as the expected loss for uninformed traders:
Average Trading Cost = σV × σU


As we delve deeper into market fragmentation, we will assess its implications on liquidity and price discovery using our established models to better understand the intricacies of fragmented markets.

Chiral Models and Market Fragmentation


In this document, we explore a chiral model with fragmented markets. We analyze how market segmentation impacts traders, price discovery, market depth, and overall market welfare.

Model Setup

Market Structure

Consider two independent markets.
Each market has:

The goal is to compare outcomes in fragmented markets versus consolidated markets.

Price Impact Model

Let λi represent price impact in market i.
The price Pi in market i is given by:
Pi = λiQi + εi
where Qi is the total order flow in market i and εi represents random noise.

Volume and Variance Analysis

The expected prices in both markets are equal:
𝔼[Pi] = Expected Value in Consolidated Market
Variance for prices:
Var(Pi) = Var(ui) cancels with noise variance

Short-Run Arbitrage Opportunities

Markets operate simultaneously:

As the dealers observe trade flows from both markets, prices converge post-trade.

Trading Volume and Behavior

Linear strategies for informed traders yield:
$$\beta_i = \frac{\sigma_{u_i}}{\sigma_{v_i}}$$
where σui is volatility of noise traders and σvi is the volatility of informed traders.

Aggregate trading volume comparison:
V − μ ⋅ ∑σui   (fragmented markets)
V − μ ⋅ σu   (consolidated market)
Resulting outcome:
σui > σu  ⇒  Higher total order sizes in fragmented markets.

Welfare Implications

Computed profits of informed traders:
Profits = σv ⋅ ∑σui/2
Incomplete order flows and higher profits lead to increased loss for uninformed traders compared to consolidated markets.

Market Depth Analysis

Price Discovery Insights

Informed trading reveals information and serves as a proxy for price discovery:
σv2/3   (fragmented)
σv2/2   (consolidated)

Effects of Market Fragmentation

Impact on Informed Traders

If informed traders can choose between markets:

Behavior of Noise Traders

Noise traders tend to prefer deeper markets and might migrate towards liquidity-rich exchanges.


Market fragmentation presents both risks and benefits:

Market Transparency


In this lecture, we explore the concept of market transparency within the realm of financial markets microstructure. Before diving in, let us briefly review the previous lecture, which focused on market fragmentation and its implications.

Review of Market Fragmentation

Understanding Market Transparency

Market transparency refers to the availability of information on prices, costs, and other crucial data that influences trading decisions in financial markets. Financial markets are generally more transparent compared to other markets.

Types of Transparency

Three primary categories of transparency are identified:

Asymmetric Information

Exchanges have access to all types of information and make decisions regarding data release. A conflict exists between the need to provide information for market efficiency and the desire to protect proprietary data.

Market Fragmentation and Transparency

Considerations about transparency arise when evaluating information sharing between fragmented markets. If two platforms trade the same asset, the extent of transparency can mitigate the fragmentation issues if participants can observe the same market data.

Pre-trade Transparency

Pre-trade transparency can substantially influence trader behavior. It affects decision-making processes based on:

In illiquid markets, quotes may not be readily available, prompting traders to actively solicit quotes from dealers.

Diamond’s Chain Store Paradox

This paradox illustrates the inefficiencies resulting from market power when prices are not publicly observable:

This suggests that market transparency allows for increased competition, which lowers prices and improves trader welfare.

Depth Transparency and Liquidity

Market depth λ significantly affects trading decisions. When the depth is unknown, traders are hesitant, impacting overall trading volume and liquidity. Formally, the relationship between trader profit maximization and market depth can be derived as follows:

The profit maximization problem for an informed trader is given by:
maxx𝔼[x(V − P)] = 𝔼[x(V − μ − λx + q)]
where V is the true valuation, P is the market price, μ is the average signal, x is the order size, and q represents noise from uninformed traders.

The first-order condition is:
$$V - \mu - 2 \lambda x = 0 \implies x = \frac{V - \mu}{2 \lambda}$$
Under uncertainty about market depth, expected order size becomes:
$$x_{\text{expected}} = \frac{V - \mu}{2 \mathbb{E}[\lambda]}$$

Using Jensen’s inequality, the expected volume in a transparent market is higher than in an opaque market, establishing that higher uncertainty reduces trading volume, thereby hampering market efficiency.


Market transparency plays a vital role in the functioning of financial markets, as evidenced by the effects of pre-trade and depth transparency on trading behavior and market liquidity. As markets evolve, ongoing regulatory measures seek to balance transparency with the need for exchanges to maintain a competitive edge.

Market Transparency and Order Flow


In financial markets, the implications of market transparency on order flow dynamics are complex and multifaceted. This document outlines the consequences of both pre-trade and post-trade transparency, particularly focusing on the behavior of informed and uninformed traders concerning their order flow and the resulting market pricing mechanisms.

Basic Concepts

Market Model

We consider a market with one asset that has a fundamental value V which can take one of two possible states: high (VH) or low (VL), each with equal probability. Thus, the mean market valuation of the asset is given by:
$$\text{Market Valuation} = \frac{V_H + V_L}{2}$$

Traders and Dealers

Dealers: Participants who quote prices for the asset. They are assumed to be competitive and risk-neutral. Traders: Individuals submitting market orders. For simplification, we consider two types of traders:

Order Flow Transparency

Order Flow Correlation

The correlation of order flow between informed and uninformed traders significantly affects market behavior. When both orders come from informed traders:

Conversely, when orders arise from uninformed traders, buy and sell orders are less correlated.

Effects of Transparency on Pricing

1. Opaque Market:

2. Transparent Market:

Generally, visibility of the order flow leads to improved price discovery, with prices being more closely aligned with the fundamental values VH and VL.

Consequences of Post-Trade Transparency

Post-trade transparency involves the visibility of historical trading data and outcomes. Key implications include:

Trade Dynamics with Sequential Orders

We introduce a model where orders appear in sequence:

The bid price from the uninformed dealer when the first order is a buy can be denoted as:
Bid Price (First Order Buy) = VH  if second order is buy also.

If the second order is a sell, the uninformed trader adjusts expectations:
Expected Value = Market Price View

This illustrates how the order sequence impacts dealer pricing and market outcomes.

Trader Identity Transparency

Identifying the trader’s identity has considerable implications:

This analysis leads to the conclusion that enhanced transparency benefits uninformed traders at the cost of informed traders, impacting liquidity and market dynamics.


Market transparency significantly influences trading behavior, impacting prices, spreads, and information asymmetry:

Regulation often aims to enhance transparency to protect uninformed traders, though such policies may inadvertently reduce overall market efficiency. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for trading strategies and market design.

Liquidity and Asset Value


These notes summarize the lecture on the value of liquidity in financial markets, focusing on how liquidity affects asset prices, informed vs. uninformed trading, and models of liquidity premium.

Recap: Transparency in Markets

Key Points

The Value of Liquidity

In financial markets, liquidity is defined as the ability to buy or sell assets without causing a significant impact on their prices.

Liquidity and Asset Valuation

We posit that an asset has some fundamental value and that its market price deviates from this value due to liquidity issues. The central question is:

How does limited liquidity affect the asset value?

Example: U.S. Treasury Notes and Bills

U.S. Treasury securities are issued either as notes (long-term, 2-10 years) or bills (short-term, < 1 year). They can be traded freely in secondary markets.

Key Insights

Investors typically require a return to compensate for potential liquidity costs when trading. The liquidity risk premium is the added return required on less liquid assets.

Modeling Liquidity Premium

Mendelsshon’s Model (1986)

This model highlights how to evaluate assets based on their resale values and liquidity considerations:

$$P_t = \frac{\mathbb{E}[P_{t+h}]}{(1 + R)^h}$$
where Pt is the initial price, R is the required rate of return, and h is the holding period.

Nominal vs. Real Returns

The returns from trading can be expressed as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} P_t &= M_t \left(1 + \frac{s}{2}\right) \\ P_{t+h} &= M_{t+h} \left(1 - \frac{s}{2}\right)\end{aligned}$$

Here, Mt and Mt + h represent market price at times t and t + h, respectively, and s is the spread.

Return Relationship

This leads to:

$$1 + R = \frac{1 + r + \frac{s}{2}}{1 - \frac{s}{2}} \tag{Liquidity Premium}$$

If we apply logarithmic approximations and small R and s assumptions, we get:

$$R \approx r + \frac{s}{H}$$
where H is the holding period.

Clientele Effects

Investor Types and Trading Behavior

Investors have varying holding periods which affect their choices:

Economic Implications

Using a budget set analogy from consumer choice theories, different indifference curves illustrate the preferences of investors based on risk and return.


This lecture illustrated the critical role liquidity plays in asset pricing and market dynamics. Different types of investors trade differently based on their liquidity preferences and holding periods, indicating a complex relationship between liquidity, return, and market behavior.

Liquidity Risk and the Liquidity CAPM Model


Liquidity risk refers to the uncertainty regarding the ease with which an asset can be bought or sold in the market without affecting its price. It is characterized by:

Liquidity CAPM Model

Inspired by the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), the Liquidity CAPM was proposed by Acharya and Pedersen in 2005.

Basic CAPM Overview

In CAPM, the expected return on an asset J is given by:
E[RJ] = Rf + βJ(E[RM] − Rf)

The CAPM asserts that only systematic risk, denoted by β, is relevant since unsystematic risk can be diversified away.

Incorporating Liquidity into CAPM

In the Liquidity CAPM, the real returns r that investors care about are defined as:
rJ = RJ − SJ
where RJ is the nominal return and SJ is the liquidity spread (difference between bid and ask prices).

Thus, the expected excess return can be modified to:
E[RJ − SJ] = Rf + βJ(E[RM − SM] − Rf)

The liquidity risk premium λM is related to:
λM = E[RM] − SM − Rf

Understanding Beta in the Liquidity Context

The aggregate beta is influenced by four components:

The empirical results suggest that all components contribute significantly to asset pricing.

Arbitrage Opportunities and Their Limitations

The fundamental law in finance states that there are no free lunches or arbitrage opportunities:

Barriers to arbitrage include:

U.S. Treasury Bills vs. Bonds Example

Consider the scenario where Treasury Bills and Bonds generate the same cash flows but are priced differently. This can be explained by:

OTC Market Dynamics

In Over-The-Counter (OTC) markets, trading is decentralized, and prices emerge from the negotiation between buyers and sellers:

Modeling the OTC Market


The equilibrium conditions in OTC markets ensure that:
A =  and B ≤ 
Where the market clears, and both buyers and sellers remain indifferent to trading at these prices.


Liquidity affects asset pricing and the required return for holding assets. Illiquid assets often trade at a discount, while assets with volatile liquidity demand a liquidity premium. This framework is essential for understanding asset pricing and risk in the financial markets.


Recommended exercise:

Liquidity and Corporate Policy in Financial Markets Microstructure


Today we are covering two distinct topics in the field of financial markets microstructure:

  1. Liquidity and Corporate Policy

  2. Digital Markets

We will begin by recalling some of the key concepts we discussed in last week’s lecture regarding liquidity and its effect on market prices.

Recap: Liquidity and Market Valuation

Last week, we analyzed how liquidity affects the market valuation of securities. The relationship differs from traditional perspectives which focused on how liquidity causes deviations from fundamental values. This shift in focus highlights the importance of liquidity in determining the price investors expect when buying and selling stocks.


Investors may not plan to hold a security indefinitely; rather, they may intend to sell it under varying future circumstances. This behavior leads to trading costs which can cause selling prices to deviate below the fundamental value of the asset.

Models Discussed

We explored several models that illustrate this relationship:

Liquidity and Corporate Policy

In today’s session, we will examine the intersection of liquidity and corporate policy. The main focus will be on understanding how liquidity influences a firm’s ability to raise capital and its implications for corporate governance.

Access to Capital

Firms require financing to invest in profitable projects. The relationship between market liquidity and the cost of capital is critical because:

$$\text{Cost of Capital} \propto \frac{1}{\text{Market Liquidity}}$$

Higher liquidity implies lower costs of capital, facilitating more efficient investments and capital raising.

Lifecycle of Funding Sources

The lifecycle of firm funding changes as the business grows:

The graphical presentation of this lifecycle highlights sources of funding and changes in ownership structures.

Corporate Governance

Corporate governance often requires the alignment of interests between shareholders and management. Key points include:

The concept of the Wall Street Walk describes the option for dissatisfied shareholders to sell their shares if they disagree with management.

Market Liquidity and Firm Control

The ability of large shareholders to intervene often depends on the market liquidity: - In illiquid markets, the cost of exiting (through selling shares) is higher, which may encourage longer-term investment. - Shareholder interventions may improve governance but depend on the market’s liquidity state.

Information Efficiency

The distinction between information possessed by the market versus that held by firm management can influence decision-making. Firms may gauge market reactions post-announcement and adjust strategies accordingly. Relevant points:


In conclusion, liquidity plays a crucial role in shaping corporate policies, financing opportunities, and governance structures. Understanding these relationships aids in comprehending the broader dynamics within financial markets.

Further Discussion and Digital Markets

In the latter part of the lecture, we will transition to discussing the impact of digital markets, including blockchain and cryptocurrencies, and their ramifications on financial markets.

Detailed Managerial Compensation and Financial Markets

In this lecture, we explore the relationship between managerial compensation, incentive problems within firms, and the impact of digital markets and cryptocurrencies on financial systems. Below, we summarize the key points, concepts, and equations.

Incentive Problems in Firms

Principal-Agent Problem

Managerial Compensation Schemes

Effort and Cost Structure

Fundamental value of the firm, denoted as V, can be high or low.
Probability of high outcome θH depends on manager’s effort (denote as e = 1 for high effort and e = 0 for no effort).

Optimal Contract Structure

The ideal contract would pay managers C + 1 for high effort and zero otherwise, yielding an indifference point:
WH − WL ≥ C
The compensation must ensure that the incentive constraint is met, meaning:

Design of Incentive Schemes

Compensation Based on Company Value

If the contract is based on realized profits V:
Incentive constraint:
Δθ(WH − WL) ≥ C
where Δθ = θH − θL. - Aim to minimize expected wage payments to the manager, 𝔼[W], while meeting the constraint.

Compensation Based on Stock Price

Here, stock price serves as an indicator of managerial effort.
If the stock price is a direct function of the manager’s effort, it reflects the manager’s performance more transparently:

Expected payments can be lower than fixed contracts, which can result in significant savings for shareholders.

Limitations on Performance Measurement

Concerns with Managerial Compensation

Career Concerns and Risk Aversion

Managers may skew their decisions based on reputation concerns, affecting risk-taking behavior:

Impact of Digital Markets

Transformations Over Recent Decades

Algorithmic and High-Frequency Trading

Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technology

Blockchain Overview

Advantages and Disadvantages




The transformation of financial markets through digitalization has substantial implications for corporate governance, compensation structures, and overall market efficiency. The advent of blockchain and cryptocurrencies presents both exciting opportunities and challenges, requiring careful consideration of their effects on existing financial systems.

For students interested in delving deeper into these topics, pursuing courses in contract theory, corporate finance, and digital markets is highly recommended.

High-Frequency Trading


In this lecture, we explore the topic of High-Frequency Trading (HFT) within the framework of financial market microstructure. HFT represents a sophisticated form of algorithmic trading characterized by high speeds and high turnover rates. Before delving into HFT, some concepts from previous discussions were revisited.

Recap of Previous Week

Last week, we discussed:

Market Incident: Negative Oil Prices

Event: On a recent Monday, crude oil futures recorded negative prices, trading at $-37 per barrel.

This event exemplifies how algorithmic trading dynamics can lead to unexpected market outcomes.

Algorithmic Trading Overview

Algorithmic trading encompasses various trading strategies, including:

Study on Algorithm Utilization

A recent paper presented at a seminar unveiled that:

Empirical Observations

From the empirical study, key points include:

High-Frequency Trading

HFT involves adapting trading strategies to exploit small discrepancies in prices, requiring significant investments in technology to reduce latency. HFT accounts for over 50% of all trading volume in the US.

Important Notions in HFT:

Model of HFT by Foucault

The model presents a continuum of profit-maximizing institutions who can choose to become high-frequency traders:

Ui = V + Yi
where Ui is the overall value for trader i, V is the fundamental value, and Yi is the idiosyncratic component of the trader’s value.

HFT traders learn the fundamental value V before others—this intrinsic speed provides two advantages:

  1. They learn V prior to executing trades.

  2. They encounter trading opportunities with a higher probability than slower traders.


This lecture highlighted the complexity and strategic considerations associated with high-frequency trading. As markets evolve rapidly towards algorithm-driven frameworks, the understanding of market dynamics, trader behaviors, and price formation becomes increasingly intricate.

In the next sections, we will explore specific research papers related to HFT, aiming to dissect the theoretical foundations and empirical investigations to broaden our understanding further.

Equilibria in the High-Frequency Gloucester-Milgram Model


In this lecture, we explore the equilibrium properties of a high-frequency version of the Gloucester-Milgram model, focusing on the behavior of fast and slow traders in the market. We identify how the expectations of the dealer influence the spread and equilibrium prices.

Key Definitions

Model Structure

Expected Valuations

The valuations of traders can be categorized as follows:


We assume parameters of the model such that:
$$\epsilon > \delta > \frac{\epsilon}{2}$$
where ϵ is the standard deviation of the fundamental value V and δ is the standard deviation of the private valuation y. This implies that fundamental values are more significant than private valuations, yet both remain important in the trading decisions.

Equilibria in the Model

We identify three types of equilibria, denoted as P1, P2, and P3:

Equilibrium P1

In this equilibrium, the ask price and bid price are closely spaced (narrow spread). All types of traders (both fast and slow) actively buy and sell the asset.

Equilibrium P2

In this scenario, the spread widens.

Equilibrium P3

This is characterized by a wider spread where:

Equilibrium P4

A theoretical case where no trade occurs, termed as the "poor equilibrium." This equilibrium is not expected to occur under normal conditions.

Welfare Implications

Profits of Traders

Fast Traders’ Profit

For fast traders (let’s denote their valuations as V and Y), the profit can be expressed as:
Profitfast = 𝔼[V|buy] − ask price
In equilibrium P1, their expected valuation as they trade under good news is:
𝔼[V|Trade] = μ + ϵ

Slow Traders’ Profit

For slow traders, the profit evaluation changes to:
Profitslow = 𝔼[Y|buy] − bid price
where their expected valuation conditional on trading is affected by their private information.

Dynamic Adjustments of Traders

Through period zero, investors choose to become fast traders or remain slow based on their costs. This leads to a competitive dynamic where larger institutions can absorb the cost of being informed and capitalize on multiple market interactions.


Overall, determined by the expectations, market parameters, and institutional capacities, we wind up with equilibria that create adverse selection effects diminishing welfare as the number of informed traders in the market increases. The insights derived from the Gloucester-Milgram model extend into understanding market functioning under high-frequency trading regimes.

Order Types

Key Concepts

Limit vs. Market Orders

In financial markets, traders can submit either market orders (which execute immediately at the current market price) or limit orders (which set a maximum purchase price or minimum sale price). The choice affects liquidity and transaction costs.

Trading Costs

Trading costs can include:

The Parlour Model

Order Types

The model compares market orders (MO) and limit orders (LO), each with associated fees:

The total revenue for the exchange per trade (F) is given by:

Trader Valuations

Let V be the fundamental value of the asset, and let Yi represent individual trader valuations which are uniformly distributed.

The trader’s valuation can be defined as:
Valuation = V + Yi

Equilibrium Bid and Ask Prices

To compute bid (a) and ask (b) prices in equilibrium, we apply the condition of indifference between market and limit order submission:

For BUY orders (high valuation traders):
Profit from MO   = (V + Yi) − (a + FMO)

Profit from LO   = (V + L) − (b + FL0) ⋅ P(S|LO)

Where P(S|LO) is the probability a limit order executes, leading to the condition of indifference:
ProfitMO = ProfitLO

This gives us two equilibrium conditions which can be solved for bid and ask prices.

Impact of Fees on Spread

Bid-Ask Spread

The determined spread depends on the order fees as follows. For a given spread S, the half spread is:
$$\text{half-spread} = \frac{b - a}{2}$$

Effects of Change in Fees

Increase in FLO (limit order fee):

Increase in FMO (market order fee):

Payments for Order Flow

The concept of payment for order flow involves brokers receiving payments from dealers to direct order flow, which impacts the posted bid-ask spreads and overall market efficiency.

Dealer Behavior

With payment for order flow, some dealers may gain exclusive access to certain types of orders, and their quotes will reflect this information asymmetry—differing from the classic competitive equilibrium obtained without such arrangements.


The exercises undertaken provide insights into the interaction between trading costs, trader behavior, and the characteristics and inefficiencies that arise in markets under various conditions, including payments for order flow and asymmetric fee structures.

Kyle’s Model with Risk-Averse Dealers


This document summarizes the complexities of Kyle’s model combined with the Stoll model, focusing particularly on the behavior of risk-averse dealers.

Key Concepts

Kyle’s Model Overview

In Kyle’s model, we consider the following elements:

Price Determination

The total order flow Q is defined as:
Q = ξ + ν
where ν is the order flow from noise traders, and the total order influences the price P, given by:
P = P0 + λQ
where P0 is an intercept and λ is a slope parameter determined by market dynamics.

Risk-Averse Dealers

A notable deviation in this iteration of Kyle’s model is the introduction of risk-averse dealers, modeled by a utility function:
$$U(W) = \mathbb{E}[W] - \frac{1}{2} \gamma \text{Var}(W)$$
where γ represents the risk aversion coefficient, W denotes future wealth, and dealers hold initial asset z0 and cash c0 (the latter of which turns out to have no impact).

Dealer Behavior

Dealers in this model are assumed to take the price P as given, which generates an inconsistency since prices are determined by the order flow. This leads to the following decision rule:

Finding the Conditional Expectation and Variance

Part A: Expectation and Variance of V|Q

The goal here is to find 𝔼[V|Q] and Var(V|Q). From econometrics, we know:
$$\mathbb{E}[Y | X] = \mathbb{E}[Y] + \frac{\text{Cov}(Y,X)}{\text{Var}(X)} (X - \mathbb{E}[X])$$

Applying this to 𝔼[V|Q]:
$$\mathbb{E}[V | Q] = \mathbb{E}[V] + \frac{\text{Cov}(V,Q)}{\text{Var}(Q)}(Q - \mathbb{E}[Q])$$
The important distinction here is that in standard models, 𝔼[Q] = 0. In our risk-averse model, it becomes necessary to account for 𝔼[Q] being centered around x0.

To find Var(V|Q):
$$\text{Var}(V | Q) = \text{Var}(V) - \frac{\text{Cov}(V,Q)^2}{\text{Var}(Q)}$$

Part C: Supply Curve of the Dealer

In Part C, we analyze the dealer’s willingness to supply at price P. The supply curve equation follows:
Y(P) = f(P)
where Y is the quantity of the risky asset and P is the price.
The supply decisions depend on the expected profit:

To determine quantity Y:
Dealers maximize:
$$U(W) = \mathbb{E}[W] - \frac{1}{2} \gamma \text{Var}(W)$$
This involves differentiating the utility function concerning Q.


This exploration of Kyle’s model integrated with risk-averse dealer behavior emphasizes the importance of understanding conditional expectations and the resulting implications on supply curves in financial markets. Use of econometric principles allows us to quantify decisions based on the observations of order flow.

High-Frequency Trading and Public Information

Introduction to Financial Markets Microstructure

High-Frequency Trading: An Arms Race

Implications of Information Asymmetry

Arbitrage Opportunities

Profit Dynamics

The relationship between the spread s and trader profits can be formalized as:
$$\begin{aligned} \text{Expected Profit}_{market\ maker} = \lambda_{invest} \cdot \frac{s}{2} - P(\text{jump}) \cdot \text{loss from sniping}\end{aligned}$$

Equilibrium Condition

The equilibrium condition requiring market makers to be indifferent whether to act as market makers or snipers can be expressed as:
$$\begin{aligned} \text{E}[\text{Profit}_{market\ maker}] = \text{E}[\text{Profit}_{sniper}]\end{aligned}$$
This equilibrium condition dictates the market spread and demonstrates that irrespective of the number of HFT participants, the liquidity does not necessarily improve, as represented by:
$$\begin{aligned} s^* = f(\lambda, J, \text{other parameters}) \text{ and does not depend on } n.\end{aligned}$$

The Role of Public Information in Markets

Higher-Order Beliefs

Public Signals in the Kyle Model


Exploration of the Contour Model and Second-Order Beliefs


We begin our exploration of the contour model by examining a simple example that illustrates the divergence of second-order beliefs. We will illustrate how this disagreement impacts trading strategies and results in increased trading volumes.

Model Setup

Consider two groups of traders, denoted as Group I and Group J. The fundamental value of an asset, Θ, can be represented as a sum of two components:
Θ = ΘI + ΘJ
Traders in Group I receive an informative signal about ΘI plus some noise, while traders in Group J receive a signal about ΘJ plus noise. Additionally, there exists a public signal about the total Θ. For simplification, we assume that these random variables are independent and normally distributed with zero mean.

Beliefs without Public Signal

Let’s first analyze the situation without a public signal. Trader I will form an expectation of Θ based on the information available to them:
E[Θ|information of trader I] = E[ΘI|XI] + E[ΘJ|lack of information]
As trader I only has information about ΘI, we have:
E[Θ|information of trader I] = E[ΘI|XI] + 0 = E[XI]
Thus, trader I’s second-order belief regarding trader J’s valuation of Θ is zero:
E[ΘJ|XI] = 0

Similarly, trader J will also have no insight into trader I’s valuation. Notably, trader I’s opinion about trader J’s valuation does not depend on XI.

Beliefs with Public Signal

Now, consider the case where both traders observe a common signal Y that provides information about the total Θ. The conditional expectation that trader I has regarding Θ becomes:
In this case, trader I can expect:
E[ΘI|Y] + E[ΘJ|XI, Y]
Given the normality of the distribution, we express this as:
E[ΘJ|Y] = βXI + cY
where β and c are constants reflecting the relationship between the signals and the expectations.

Second-Order Beliefs

The second-order belief, concerning trader I’s expectations about trader J’s valuation, will decrease in XI indicating that a higher private signal leads trader I to assume that trader J will value the asset less:
E[ΘJ|XI] ↓  as XI


The intuition arises from the assumption that if trader I receives a strong signal concerning ΘI, then they may infer that ΘJ must be lower:
ΘJ = Θ − ΘI

Model Structure

The model consists of three periods:

Demand Structure

Each trader is allowed to condition their demand Di on the price P. The expected wealth for trader I is represented as:
WI = DI ⋅ (P2 − P1)
with exponential utility given by:
$$U(W_I) = E[W_I] - \frac{\gamma}{2}Var(W_I)$$

In addition, we will assume a normal distribution for aggregate supply. The market clearing condition in Period 1 requires the total supply U1 to match the demand DI. Similarly, in Period 2, the aggregate supply U2 needs to match the total demands from Group J.

Equilibrium Determination

To find the equilibria, we consider the linearity of price with respect to various signals. The prices are expressed as:
P1 = a1ΘI + bY + cU1

P2 = a2ΘJ + bY + cU2
where ai, bi, ci are coefficients to be determined.

Second-Order Beliefs in Equilibrium

The optimal demand and price equations depend on first and second-order beliefs. Notably, second-order beliefs significantly influence the expected utility of traders when making their decisions, showing that these higher-order beliefs play a crucial role in trading outcomes.


Our analysis shows that the divergence of second-order beliefs necessitates trading and influences trading volume, particularly around public announcements that introduce additional information. Consequently, public signals lead to increased trading activity due to discrepancies in individual valuations among traders.

In future studies, it will be important to further investigate the implications of such models on trading dynamics and market behavior, especially the incorporation of varying trader horizons and the distribution of information among participants.

Transparency and Liquidity in Markets


In this exercise class, we revisit the topics of post-trade transparency from Lecture 9 and the value of liquidity from Lecture 10. The fundamental question is to show that price discovery is more efficient under transparent markets compared to opaque markets.

Important Concepts

Price Discovery

Price discovery refers to the process through which the market determines the price of an asset based on supply and demand dynamics. The efficiency of price discovery can be measured using the variance of the difference between the market price and the true value of the asset.

Model Notation

Types of Traders

Model Setup

Trading Mechanism

The model incorporates two periods of trading with one asset:

Market Types

1. Transparent Market: All dealers observe the first order. 2. Opaque Market: Only the dealer executing the first order observes it.

Equations and Calculations

Transparent Market

In a transparent market, during period one, prices can be represented as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \text{Ask Price: } P_{1}^{\text{ask}} &= \mu + \pi \sigma \\ \text{Bid Price: } P_{1}^{\text{bid}} &= \mu - \pi \sigma\end{aligned}$$

Calculating the average expected square deviation (residual variance) over the two periods:
$$E[(P_{t} - v)^2] = \frac{1}{2} \left( (1 - \pi)^2 \sigma^2 + (1 - \pi) \sigma^2 \right)$$

Opaque Market

In an opaque market, in the first period, the expected price variance can be shown as:
E[(P1 − v)2] = (2π − 1)(σ2)
The prices for the second period are constant and equal to the fundamental value v, hence the variance in period two is always zero.

Comparison of Price Discovery

After calculating the residual variances in both types of markets, we see:

$$\begin{aligned} \text{Residual Variance (Transparency)} &= (1 - \pi)(1 + \pi)\sigma^2 \\ \text{Residual Variance (Opacity)} &= (1 - \pi)(2\sigma^2)\end{aligned}$$

To compare the efficiency of price discovery:
$$\frac{(1 + \pi)}{2} \sigma^2 < 2\sigma^2 \quad \text{if } \frac{1}{2} < \pi < 1$$

Thus, price discovery is more effective in a transparent market.


We demonstrated that post-trade transparency enables better price discovery relative to opaque market structures. This understanding is crucial for evaluating market efficiencies and the role of transparency in financial systems.

Liquidity Premium and Market Models


In this note, we delve into the concepts of liquidity and its valuation within financial markets using various models. Notably, we will cover the Gordon model, liquidity capital asset pricing model (CAPM), and the Patterson model.

Gordon Model and Liquidity Premium

The Gordon growth model, or dividend discount model, focuses on determining the price of a stock based on its future dividend payments. More formally, it is represented as:

$$P = \frac{D}{r - g}$$

where P is the price of the stock, D is the expected dividend, r is the required rate of return, and g is the growth rate of the dividends.

Incorporating Dividends

In this model, we investigate how dividends affect the liquidity premium. The liquidity premium is defined as:

Liquidity Premium = r − R

where r is the required rate of return, and R is the observed rate of return accounting for transaction costs due to illiquidity.


We assume:

Equilibrium Gross Return

The rate of return 1 + R, can be defined considering both price appreciation and dividends received. The return can be expressed as follows:

$$1 + R = \frac{M_{t+1} + D}{M_t}$$

Substituting for the buy and sell prices accounting for spreads, we can rearrange and find the relationship between these variables:

$$1 + R = \frac{\left(1 - \frac{s}{2}\right) \mu_{t+1} + \mu_t D}{\left(1 + \frac{s}{2}\right) \mu_t}$$

Liquidity Premium Response to Dividends

From the derived expressions, the liquidity premium decreases with increased dividend yield D:

R = R − D  ⇒  Liquidity Premium is decreasing in D.

The intuition is that dividends are unaffected by liquidity costs, and as a higher portion of returns comes from dividends, the effect of liquidity decreases.

Patterson Model and Spread Dynamics

The Patterson model examines how the spread is affected by the probability of meeting a dealer, denoted as ϕ.

Spread Expression

The generated spread s in the model is represented as:

s = f(ϕ, other parameters),

where the specific functional form of f will depend on parameters like bargaining power and the probability of value switching ψ.

Effects of Probability on Spread

  1. If $\psi > \frac{1}{2}$: An increase in ϕ raises the spread due to higher valuation leading to more willing buyers.

  2. If $\psi < \frac{1}{2}$: An increase in ϕ lowers the spread as it makes dealers more competitive due to increased chances of finding buyers.

Intuition Behind Non-Monotonicity

The non-monotonic effect arises because:


By analyzing these models, we gain deeper insights into how liquidity impacts the financial markets, specifically how dividends influence the liquidity premium and how spreads react to changing probabilities in trading environments. Understanding these relations helps us grasp more complex market dynamics effectively.

Algorithmic Trading

Introduction to Financial Markets Microstructure

Financial markets microstructure studies the processes and outcomes of exchanging assets under specific trading rules. Key focus areas include:

High-Frequency Trading and Algorithmic Trading

Defining Bubbles

Bubbles are often difficult to characterize formally. Here are several definitions:

Examples of Bubbles

  1. Enron: An energy company that saw massive growth in the 90s, followed by a collapse in the early 2000s.

  2. US Housing Bubble: A significant increase in housing prices leading up to the 2008 financial crisis, not supported by fundamentals like building costs or population growth.

  3. Cryptocurrency Bubble: Sudden surges in Bitcoin prices, followed by sharp declines.

  4. Uranium Bubble (2006): A price surge following the flooding of a Canadian uranium mine, leading to speculation about supply shortages.

Herding Models

Herding occurs when traders ignore their private signals in favor of public information, leading to similar trading actions:

Mathematical Representation

Let V denote the fundamental value, which is either low or high:
Decision Dt: Binary, where D = 1 indicates buying, and D = 0 indicates not buying.
Payoff for buying is defined as:
Payoff = V − M
where M is the market price.
Traders’ beliefs regarding the fundamental values evolve over time:

The decision to invest is determined as follows:
$$D_t = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{if } R_t \geq R^\ast \\ 0 & \text{if } R_t < R^\ast \end{cases}$$

Conditions for Herding

Herding arises when:

Cascading and Herding Behavior

Cascading occurs when early trading decisions disproportionately influence later traders, leading everyone to either buy or sell despite fundamentals.

Pt* = f(Qt)

Where f is a function that shows the dependence of private belief on public information.

Market Context


Understanding financial market microstructure and the implications of herding behavior can help in grasping how and why bubbles arise. Various models illustrate the complexity of trader behavior and market dynamics, highlighting the importance of information both private and public.

Speculative Bubbles and Herding Behavior


This learning session focuses on the concepts of speculative and non-speculative bubbles, herding behavior in financial markets, and a specific model by Abreu and Brunnermeier (2003). We will explore how information asymmetry and the aggregation of beliefs influence trading behaviors and price dynamics.

Speculative and Non-Speculative Bubbles

Overview of Bubbles

A bubble can be described as a deviation of the market price from its fundamental value. There are different types of bubbles:

Market Maker Dynamics

In some scenarios, all traders possess information about the true value V of an asset. However, market makers do not know how many of the traders are informed, leading to a slow adjustment of prices. This can result in a situation where:

Price > Fundamental Value (Low Asset Value)  (Bubble)

Conversely, if many informed traders sell while the price remains high, it can also suggest a bubble in the opposite direction.

Herding Behavior

Reasons for Herding

Herding can arise due to:

Managerial Incentives

Consider managers tasked with making investments for their clients. They can either be classified as smart or dumb, receiving signals about asset values. If both receive the same signal, they will act similarly. However, if a manager thinks their reputation may depend on following the herd, they might choose to invest in line with other managers rather than solely based on signals.

Example of Herding

If Manager 1 decides to invest, Manager 2, despite having a different signal, may also invest to avoid being labeled as dumb. This can lead to collective investments that affect price dynamics, even if the signals differ.

Abreu and Brunnermeier (2003) Model

Setup of the Model

The model introduces information aggregation failures and factors in the importance of higher-order beliefs among traders. It describes the price pt of an asset over time:

The price might continue to rise at the former rate G until it adjusts.

Price Growth Dynamics

The price continues to increase until either:

  1. A certain time τ is reached at which the price adjusts to the new fundamental value.

  2. Enough rational traders (κ) decide to sell, triggering a price adjustment.

Understanding Trader Types

Trader Classifications

The traders in the model are classified as:

Implications for Prices

Behavioral traders will continue to buy the asset, believing incorrectly that its price will climb indefinitely. This results in significant mispricing that can lead to bubbles persisting until the market corrects.

Coordination and Equilibria

The presence of coordination is necessary for bubbles to persist or burst. Traders face a dilemma between selling early to secure profits and waiting to maximize returns. When traders coordinate, it can lead to sudden price adjustments or crashes.

Exogenous and Endogenous Crashes

  1. Exogenous Crash: Occurs when some external event triggers a price adjustment.

  2. Endogenous Crash: Triggered by the collective behavior of traders once a critical mass of informed rational traders decides to sell.


The study of bubbles, herding behavior, and information asymmetry offers insights into financial market dynamics. Understanding these concepts helps to clarify how expectations and collective actions can lead to significant price movements, often contrary to fundamental values.

Financial Market Microstructure: Herding Models and Auction Models


This set of notes covers key concepts from financial market microstructure, focusing on herding models, bubbles, and auction mechanisms.

Herding Models

In the previous lecture, we explored the idea of herding in financial markets. Key points include:

Auction Models

Today’s lecture will focus on auction models and their relevance in financial markets. The models explored are applicable beyond financial domains, with common uses in:

Basic Auction Format Definitions

Private Value First-Price Auction Model

The setting of the model is:

Profit Function Derivation

Agents are assumed to be rational and risk-neutral:
Profiti = vi − bi

The probability of winning if bid bi is:
P(Winner) = P(bi > bj for all j ≠ i)
Given symmetric increasing bidding strategies β(x), the winning probability translates into:
P(bi > β(y1)) where y1 = max (b1, b2, …, bn − 1).

First-order Condition

To maximize expected profits:
$$\frac{d \text{E}[\text{Profit}_i]}{db_i} = 0$$
Leading to finding equilibrium strategies β.

Equilibrium Strategy

The desired equilibrium can be realized by solving a differential equation for the equilibrium bidding strategy:
β(x) given G(β − 1(bi)).

Conclusion and Further Steps

The insights gained from this model allow for analogies to different auction types. The next steps will include examining:

These models provide a powerful framework for understanding trading mechanisms and market dynamics in financial contexts.


If there are any questions about the material covered, please feel free to raise them during class or after the lecture.

Common Value First Price Auctions and Double Auctions

Introduction to Common Value First Price Auctions

In a common value first price auction, there exists one item for sale that has a fundamental value V which is the same for all bidders. The value V is unknown, but all bidders receive informative private signals denoted as Xi. Each Xi is a noisy estimate of the fundamental value V with zero noise assumed for simplicity.

Setting and Bidding Mechanism

Expected Profits and the Winner’s Curse

The expected profit for a winning bidder can be expressed as:
πi = 𝔼[V|win] − Bi
where Bi is the bid submitted by bidder i. The winner’s curse refers to the idea that winning the auction implies that the winning bid was higher than that of all other bidders, which suggests that the asset may be less valuable than initially thought.

Conditional Expectations

The expected value conditionally on the private signal Xi and winning can be denoted as follows:
𝔼[V|Xi, win] < 𝔼[V|Xi]
indicating that the expectation of the value of the item (given the win) is lower than the expectation based on the private signal alone.

Bidding Strategies

Assimize all agents follow a symmetric bidding strategy represented as β(X). Let Y1 be the highest signal among competitors. The conditioning on the highest signal involves a relationship that allows us to define expectations based on the signals received:

𝔼[V|Xi, Y1]

An individual bidder’s optimal strategy can be characterized by choosing whom to mimic — denoting this type Z — which leads to a modified expected profit from bidding:

π(Z) = ∫ − ∞Y1(𝔼[V|Y1]−β(Z))f(Y1)dY1
Here, f(Y1) is the distribution of signals.

First-Order Conditions

Taking the first-order condition to find optimal Z leads to:
$$\frac{d\pi(Z)}{dZ} = 0$$

Resulting in a differential equation which can be solved under certain boundary conditions.

Understanding Bid Shading

Bid shading occurs for two main reasons in common value auctions:

  1. Bidders shade their bids below their valuations to increase the likelihood of a positive profit.

  2. The winner’s curse implies that winning suggests a lower true value of the asset than expected.

Double Auctions

The framework of double auctions differs from single auctions, where two agents, one buyer and one seller, interact:

Expected Payoffs

The expected profit for the buyer is given by:
πB = 𝔼[XB] − BB
The expected profit for the seller simplifies to:
πS = BS − 𝔼[XS]

This scenario can be interpreted as a variation of second-price auctions, with the role of "winning" effectively switching based on the bid comparisons.

Inefficiency in Double Auctions

Meyerson-Satterthwaite theorem highlights the inefficiencies in double auctions, stating there is no mechanism ensuring efficient trades occur without incurring a deficit or requiring external compensation. The double auction may lead to trade ceasing even when the seller’s valuation is lower than the buyer’s due to bid shading.


In conclusion, understanding common value first price auctions and their implications (like the winner’s curse and bid shading) is essential for analyzing auction dynamics in economic scenarios. The exploration of double auctions extends these concepts into more complex interactions between buyers and sellers, revealing inherent inefficiencies in the mechanisms employed.