read books
- A Random Walk Down Wall Street
by Burton G. Malkiel
- Basic Economics
by Thomas Sowell
- What We Cannot Know
by Marcus du Sautoy
- The Black Swan
Nassim Nicholas Taleb
- Good Economics For Hard Times
by Banerjee & Duflo
- Hidden Games
by Hoffman & Yoeli
- Stocks for the Long Run
by Jeremy Siegel
- Adaptive Markets
by Andrew Lo
- The Creativity Code
by Marcus du Sautoy
- The Art of Logic
by Eugenia Cheng
- 50 Philosophy Classics
by Tom Butler-Bowdon
- No Filter
by Sarah Frier
- The Dealmaker
by Guy Hands
- The Power Law
by Sebastian Mallaby
- The Little Book of Common Sense Investing
bv John Bogle
- The Little Book of Investing like the Pros
by Pearl & Rosenbaum
- How Big Things Get Done
by Flyvbjerg & Gardner
- Material World
by Ed Conway
- The Wisdom of Finance
by Mihir Desai
- Faith vs. Fact
by Jerry Coyne
- The World for Sale
by Blas & Farchy
- Risky Business
by Einav, Finkelstein & Fisman
- Finanční Trhy by
Oldřich Rejnuš
- Brief Answers to the Big Questions
by Stephen Hawking
- Myšlení Rychlé a Pomalé
by Daniel Kahneman
- Mikroekonomie
by Václav Jurečka
- Makroekonomie
by Václav Jurečka
- The Laws of Human Nature
by Robert Greene
- A Thousand Brains
by Jeff Hawkins
- Matematika pro Život
by Kit Yates
- Kvantová Teorie Nikoho Nezabije
by Marcus Chown
- The Ten Equation That Rule the World
by David Sumpter
- Technologická Past
by Carl Frey
- Předsvědčování
by Robert Cialdini
- The Changing World Order
by Ray Dalio
- Jak Porozumět Digitálnímu Věku
by Brian Kernighan
- 21 Lekcí pro 21. století
by Yuval Harari
- New Dark Age
by James Bridle
- Člověk v Zrcadle Teorie Her
by Jaroslav Peregrin
- Odhalená Ekonomie
by Charles Wheelan
- The Man Who Solved the Market
by Gregory Zuckerman
- Hello World
by Hannah Fry
- Hluboká Práce
by Cal Newport
- Zero to One
by Peter Thiel
- Jak Drahé je Zdarma
by Dan Ariely
- Human Compatible
by Stuart Russell
- Numbers Dont Lie
by Vaclav Smil
- The God Equation
by Michio Kaku
- Flash Boys
by Michael Lewis
- Homo Deus
by Yuval Harari
- Zbraně Vlivu
by Robert Cialdini
- The Tipping Point
by Malcolm Gladwell
- Nikdy Nedělej Kompromis
by Chris Voss
- Sapiens
by Yuval Harari
- Finanční Analýza
by Petra Růžičková
- Jak Získávat Přátele a Působit na Lidi
by Dale Carnegie
- How to Avoid a Climate Disaster
by Bill Gates
- Emoční Inteligence
by Daniel Goleman
- Druhý Věk Strojů
by Andrew McAfee
- The Business Book
by DK
- 12 Pravidel pro Život
by Jordan Peterson
- The Lean Startup
by Eric Ries
- Kniha Ekonomie
by DK
by Tim O'Reilly
- Úvod do Podnikové Ekonomiky
by Dana Martinovičová
- Moderní Ekonomie
by Hana Lipovská
- Soonish
by Kelly and Zach Weinersmith
- Livewired
by David Eagleman
- Evoluce Svým Vlastním Tvůrcem
by Miroslav Veverka
- Odhalené Emoce
by Paul Ekman
- Six Easy Pieces
by Richard Feyman
- Price Wars
by Rupert Russell
- Range
by David Epstein
- Dark Pools
by Scott Patterson
- The Interpretation of Financial Statements
by Mary Buffett
- Atomové Návyky
by James Clear
- The Personal MBA
by Josh Kaufman
- The Art of Thinking Clearly
by Rolf Dobelli
- The Righteous Mind
by Jonathan Haidt
- Faktomluva
by Hans Rosling
- Future Crimes
by Marc Goodman
- Misbehaving
by Richard Thaler
- 10 Největších Omylů Odpůrců Kapitalismu
by Rainer Zittelmann
- Anatomie Svobody
by Šichtařová & Vavruša
- Investice Nová Strategie
by Pavel Kohout
- Make, Think, Imagine
by John Browne
- How Technology Worky
by DK
- How Business Works
by DK
- How Money Works
by DK
- Bohatý Táta, Chudý Táta
by Robert Kiyosaki
- Matematika bez Čísel
by Milo Beckman
- Competition Demystified
by Greenwald & Kahn
- Algoritmy pro Život
by Christian & Griffiths
- Stručná Historie Času
by Stephen Hawking
- Fundamental Analysis for Dummies
by Matt Krantz
- Cant We Just Print More Money?
by The Bank of England
- If Nietzsche Were a Narwhal
by Justin Gregg